Doors: 7:00pm, Show: 8:00pm
3 City Hall Square, Lynn, MA 01901
Ordering Closed
Alex Campos at Lynn Auditorium, with guest Averly Morillo
Beloved Colombian singer-songwriter and producer Alex Campos arrives at the Lynn Auditorium in
Lynn, Massachusetts, on March 18th to deliver an unforgettable night of music and spiritual connection.
The 5-time Latin Grammy winning artist known for soaring anthems like “Al Taller del Maestro” and
“Tu Poeta” is back on tour in support of his latest album Renovado (2021), his 17th studio production.
As one of the leading voices in contemporary Christian music, Campos has been praised for his
constantly evolving sound, oscillating between solemn orchestral hymns (“Soy Soldado”), effervescent
Latin American rhythms (“Si Estoy Contigo”) and modern influences from dance music and reggaetón
(“Tu Tan Mío”). Campos will be joined by special guest Averly Morillo, the rising Dominican vocalist
who became a viral sensation in 2020 with powerful, rousing singles “Ante Tu Altar” and
“Quebrantame,” and has grown into one of the most promising young talents in Christian pop.
Together, Campos and Morillo will unite Massachusetts in song, making a joyful noise and lifting our
collective spirits.
El aclamado cantautor, productor y arreglista colombiano Alex Campos llega al Lynn Auditorium en
Lynn, Massachusetts, este 18 de Marzo para regalarnos una noche inolvidable de música y conexión
espiritual. El ganador de 5 Latin Grammys es reconocido por inspiradores himnos como “Al Taller del
Maestro” y “Tu Poeta,” y esta vez sale de gira en apoyo a su producción de estudio #17, Renovado
(2021). Una voz referente dentro de la música Cristiana contemporánea, Campos ha sido alabado por
su sonido en constante evolución, abrazando solemnidad orquestal (“Soy Soldado”), ritmos
tradicionales Latinoamericanos (“Si Estoy Contigo”), e influencias de la música electrónica y
reggaetón (“Tu Tan Mío”). Campos tendrá como invitada especial a Averly Morillo, la cantautora e
interprete dominicana que se viralizó en el 2020 con sus poderosos sencillos “Ante Tu Altar” y
“Quebrantame,” convirtiéndose en una de las nuevas promesas del pop Cristiano. Juntos, Campos y
Morillo unirán a Massachusetts bajo la luz de sus canciones, llenando el aire de música exuberante y
levantando nuestro espíritu colectivo.

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