Home : bacilos-ft-yera :


¿Donde Nos Quedamos? US Tour

Reading, PA

This event has been postponed. Original Date: March 27, 2020 New Date will be updated soon

Bacilos originally scheduled for March 27, 2020 - has been postponed.

We encourage you to save your tickets and present them for admission on the new date, which will be announced at a later time.

Once the new date has been established, all ticket buyers will be notified via email. 

We apologize for the inconvenience. 

Bacilos. Fecha original 27 de Marzo 2020 ha sido Pospuesto. Nueva fecha no determinada. 

Les invitamos a conservar sus boletos y presentarlos para la admisión en la nueva fecha, que se anunciará más adelante.

Una vez establecida la nueva fecha, todos los compradores serán notificados por correo electrónico.

Le pedimos disculpas por los incovenientes.



"Caraluna", "Mi Primer Millon", "Tabaco y Chanel"...name a better Latino trio, we'll wait.

20 years ago in the streets of Miami, Jorge Villamizar, André Lopes, and José Javier Freire joined together to create the legendary Bacilos. Their Tropipop music and unforgettable lyrics have made them a household name in Latin America and abroad. Few music groups have amassed as many iconic and memorable songs as they have, from the Latino holy trinity of Caraluna, Primer Millon and Tabaco y Chanel to "Pasos de Gigante", "Por Hacerme el Bueno", "Perderme Contigo", "Guerras Perdidas" and so many more...The group broke our hearts when they separated in 2007, but just 2 years ago in 2017, they reunited. In 2020, they will be back in NYC and Reading Terminal LIVE for the first time in 12 years! When on stage, Bacilos is electric and will deliver an experience that you will never forget. Join Bacilos for an evening of the best of their past and the surprises they have in store for the present!

Follow us along on FB, Instagram, and Spotify for more updates and exciting announcements!


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