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Friday, February 11, 2022
Doors: 7:00pm, Show: 8:00pm
Ritz Theatre
1148 E Jersey St Elizabeth NJ 07021

Ordering Closed


La voz del amor llega directamente desde España a deleitarnos con su voz este día del Amor y la Amistad ❤️

Dyango en USA
Viernes, 11 de Febrero, 2022
Entradas ya a la venta en: https://bit.ly/DyangoConcierto

Ritz Theatre
1148 E Jersey ST, Elizabeth, NJ 07201
Info: (718) 726-6646 | (718) 255-1787 | (718) 457-3966

Un espectáculo más de Zamora Live, José Cruz Productions & SLLive



Dyango originally scheduled for October 16, 2021 has been confirmed for February 11, 2022 at Ritz Theatre

Your tickets  will be replaced for  the new date and new seats will be assigned.

You have 30 days from today to request a refund. No refunds will be honored after December 4th, 2021.


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